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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Things happen for a reason.

Throughout my life I've always stood by this saying, "Things happen for a reason." I know I work too damn much. I know I need to spend time with my family. I lost my second job. Now, skme of you might think, "OH! NO!!!!!!!" But not me! I am taking this time to get my priorities in order and organize my home. I now have more time to breathe and spend with my family.

I have been working for a while now. I deserve some time off. I'm not going to cry, but I may need to get my ducks in a row as far as finances go.

This is happening for a reason, and I will find out why. Will keep you posted.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


My day started very early this morning to fill in at the hotel at seven a.m. I then went home for an hour and started to get ready for a meeting at my second job. I drove all the way acriss town just to find out my boss was a no show. This made me feel very unimportant. I walked out and left a pretty harsh message for said boss. (He never called)

Since I had the rest of the day off, I decided to get a few very important items taken care of. First, I had to go to the court to get my divorce decree to change my last name at the social security office. I get asked if I want my original or modified decree. WHAT?!?!?!!!!!! Excuse me, but I was not aware my decree was modified!! When I got to the court, I found out my ex is TRYING to modify the decree. Fat chance, but I will play the game. I don't understand what he thinks he is going to accomplish.

Onto the good parts of the day. I got to spend quality time with my daughters running errands and talking about their days. I don't get a lot of quality time with them, so it was super fun!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I almost gave in today.....

I almost ran to the vending machine at the hotel today to purchase a Dew! Thankfully, I announced that I was going to grab a dew to my good friend, Trish, and she said to me, "But you're doing so good! You were so excited this morning that you went a full week without a soda, or caffeine!"

I couldn't bare to walk to the vending machine to buy a Mountain Dew at that point. Instead, I purchased pizza from HUNGRY HOWIE'S! I also got a Root Beer. I still enjoyed a bubbly, refreshing drink and about halfway down, I saw that it was expired. Apparently guests at the hotel don't like Root Beer! (I don't blame you, really!)

So, this concludes day 7 of being caffeine free! I am very proud of myself because seven days ago, all I drank was Mountain Dew!

Tomorrow is going to bring some interesting news to me and my family from my second job that's been dwindling in work hours. (Thank goodness for second jobs!)

A very funny thing happened to my husband this morning, but he vowed to cut my head off (or poke me in the eye) if I said anything about it. So, I guess it's just an inside joke between the two of us. I LOVE YOU, HONEY! (It had to do with Christmas lights.)

Anywho, thanks for following my blog! I guess I'll start drinking more water like a person who is healthy. I think my next challenge is to start taking vitamins. Then, heaven forbid, if I step into a gym.......the world may just come to a stop!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday, Sunday

I prefer Sundays during the day to the Night Audit at night. First, I am not so stinking tired that I don't want to do anything but watch movies to stay awake, that I actually do my schoolwork while my downtime at work is in progress.

I also love working alone. I know I am hard headed, but I just don't like running into anyone else when I'm in the groove. Checkouts at the hotel are fairly easy, if the night shift has done their job the night before.

I miss my family. Working two jobs is taking it's toll. I just wonder if I can cut one out .... or have a day off. I just don't know if we can afford that. I figure I'd rather work all week than work a double on Fridays and have to run around like a mad-woman!

My husband is starting a blog to quit smoking! I am very proud of him that he has taken his pack-a-day habit down to six a day. WAY TO GO, HONEY! I also am commending him to the fact that he's starting a blog and making it publicly known that he's a quitter! Huge pat on the back!

My goal today is to get everything I can possibly get done at work today then be able to spend some time with my family before working tomorrow.

Have a great Sunday!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

No Mountain Dew...

I have not even had a sip of Mountain Dew for four days. I woke up this morning, after sleeping in, with a MASSIVE caffeine headache! Fortunately for me, I have Excedrin migraine with caffeine in it. I popped two with a whole bottle of water. :)

School is going great. I just wish I had more hours in the day to sit and play with the kiddos. I am off of night audit at the hotel so I do at least get to sleep in my bed during sleeping hours again. :)

OH, and can I just say....I'm working all of today in overtime!

Good things happen to those who work their butts off. :)
Have a fantastic weekend!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

What a great day!

Other than the fact that I really want a drink of dew, I'm just sleepy.

On a different note, I don't have to be to work until four in the evening tomorrow. What does this mean? I can spend time with the kiddos until they go to bed. Currently on the list, we are watching Cars and snuggling on the couch. I couldn't ask for a better night.

I do have to attend school tonight, but there's four more hours left. :)

Talk to y'all tomorrow!!

Today should be fun.

I am currently on Day 2 of no Mountain Dew!!! I was in Maverik this morning and I instinctively walked towards the Mountain Dew fridge. I had my hand on the handle, then I remembered...I don't even have a headache, I wasn't tired yesterday, and my New Years Resolution is to quit drinking the stuff! I walked over to the water fridge with my head a little lower. I felt like a little kid who just got told they couldn't have a lollipop!

I was at the register with my two 1 liter waters in hand. I was almost ready to turn around and grab just one small Mountain Dew! I DIDN'T DO IT! I only purchased water this morning. GO ME!

My husband, on the other hand, went two whole days without smoking a cigarette. I am very proud of him! Although he went to the gas station this morning to grab a pack, I have them in my possession and I am rationing them out to him as needed.

Today should be fun because I know I will have a caffeine headache along with the craving of that sweet, bubbly goodness!

Have a fantastic day!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Quitting Smoking

My fun-loving husband, whom I love with all my heart, is attempting to quit smoking. He has tried for many years with zero success. Cold turkey, patches, pills, electronic cigarettes. I have tried to be helpful and understanding but all he says to me is I don't understand. I would like to understand what he is going through. I just don't know what to do or how to fix it without a little insight into quitting smoking.

So, the closest thing I can think of to quitting smoking for me is to quit drinking Mountain Dew. Headache, honery, irritable...that about sums it up.

New Year's brings new hopes, new challenges, and new commitments. I am committed to changing the way I run my life and take care of myself. My children need me in their lives for a long time!

Monday, January 3, 2011

I've Always Wondered...

I've always wondered why nothing rhymes with April. Of course, people make up obnoxious words to rhyme with April, such as: Bapril, Fapril, Mapril, etc. These made-up words stem from the annoying childhood song. You know the one, April, April, bo BAPRIL! I feel worse for Chuck!

There are no cutsie nick-names for me, either. I usually get hit with May, June, or July. My name just doesn't make sense to me. I was not conceived in April. I was not born in April. I was born in September, and giving me the name of September would have made a Hell-of-a-lot more sense than April. The best thing that I can come up with is my father had an ex-girlfriend named April. I just may be right.

If anyone can come up with a legitimate rhyming word for April, you shall be my new hero.